sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

The key to peace withing yourself

It's so lonely right now, Baby,
I can only hear the sound of silence,
the mountain river floating downstream,
and the murmur of the forest.

The green light melts with my soul,
as I walk through the path of mistery
between your pain and sorrow,
and I crave for company.

I have long awaited for the sunrise
to come and rescue us,
but the claw of fear has made us stumble,
once, twice, and our love has gone dry.

If I cannot walk alone,
what use can I be for us?
If I'm not ready to be at ease with myself,
what is the purpose of these glimpses
between you and me?

For he that can see through himself,
is the key of wisdom.
For he that can make his road,
is the path of tranquility.

I will only bring happiness
to both of us,
when I have reached peace,
within myself.

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